08 July 2011


What's in season now this July is avocados! It's not top of mind for me since I don't usually see the trees that much and they aren't that many. But over breakfast, the staff prepared sliced avocados and home-grown bananas with milk for dessert and later found out, we had a basket-ful to bring back to Manila!

It's easy to grow: back in Science class in elementary, we were asked to bring a seed, place the lower half  on a jar full of water and see it grow roots and germinate in no time.

Avocados (Persea americana), originally from Central America, is a great source of protein and good cholesterol. It's good to use for salads and sandwiches, substituting it for greens, provided it's not yet that ripe (and mushy). This season, we'll finally learn to make guacamóle which would be very good to side with carne asada, nachos, and tomato salsa!