25 July 2011


Anyone up for some corn? We have loads! We tried planting some a couple of weeks back and didn't realize it will yield this much! If you leave a whole ear on the stalk to its full maturity, the kernel itself (the one neatly on rows) will become the seed (Tag. binhî). On prepared, cultivated beds, we put up to three kernels on a small hole on the ground and in just a few weeks, they've become stalks and stalks (and even more stalks!) of corn. And some stalks have multiple ears, fantastic!


  1. I want some!!! And some macapuno!!!! Don't I get any for being a loyal blog follower?? Hahaha!

  2. Sure! I will send some early next week.

  3. i am checking out your farm via my friend graceinfullmeasure's blog. i love everything farm and farmhouse style and find your blog so interesting. congratulations for living off the land somehow. it must be hard work but surely very rewarding.

  4. It sure is! Thanks, glad to hear some people out there appreciate slow living. Come visit anytime :)
