31 December 2011


Flowering profusely now is the Firespike Plant (Odontonema strictum), looking gorgeously-red this Christmastime. Its flowers which are on its terminal spikes, have a nectar attractive particularly to sunbirds (leftmost part of the bush in the above image) and have been delightfully keeping me occupied photographing them, both the pompous bush and the perky birds.

When i started having this plant propagated, my head gardener Edwin looked baffled, wondering what beauty I find in this plant which they consider more of a roadside weed than an ornamental. But I insisted we grow it and cultivate it as a hedge, and now I'm vindicated :)


  1. Definitely vindicated. It looks great.

    Happy New Year, Alex!!!

  2. yes it looks lovely in colder temps like in Lipa. I have a photo in the hostel in front of Robinson's when we conducted a training in Lipa a few years back. I actually posted it in my blog, very lovely as a hedge. However, it looks like what your gardener dislikes in our part of the province.

  3. It's very fulfilling to show others new ways to see old things :)
