13 February 2012

The Life Outdoors

We are featured on this month's issue of Metro Home & Entertaining; the sub-headline on the cover "A garden to live in" refers to us. It's fellow blogger Patrick Gozon, accomplished architect, professor and local tree advocate, who expertly wrote us up, the plants, and the garden design.

It's available in local book and magazine stores now at only P200.00 (around US$4.75).


  1. Congrats Alex!! :) I know this is the nth time for me to say this - I should plan a trip to your farm soon ;) This time for real!!

  2. Congratulations, Alex! Affirmation of the wonderful work you have done on your farm.

  3. Thanks, guys! Yes, a trip to the farm is long overdue. Solitude, when will you come to the Phils? Bom, you have no excuses, you're not even 1.5 hours away (and so are you, Grace!). The jade vine is beginning to bloom and we are harvesting coffee and the jackfruits will start to ripen in a couple of weeks...

  4. Alex, I would definitely love to see your farm though I don't know yet when I can come home again.

  5. Consider yourself welcome anytime :)

  6. Wow, I'm gonna buy a copy of this magazine, Tito. :)

    1. Great Ivy, it's also got nice articles on other homes which I'm sure you'll like.
