11 March 2012

Lady's Slipper Vine

A "pair" of Lady's Slippers in detail
Only a few months in a year do I have the pleasure of showering amidst the blooms of the Lady's Slipper Vine (Thunbergia mysorensis), now mesmerizing me as I wash myself after a long day of gardening. The morning sun side of the toilet & shower area is partly open to the elements so oen can easily see the assorted plants we grow outside it. We have trained the vine to climb a wooden trellis bordering the enclosure and now that it's flowering season, they are lined up in different stages of bloom, pendulously hanging like small tropical chandeliers.


  1. Mesmerizing indeed! What a delight to look at this beauty while bathing alfresco. And your tropical chandeliers ....the blue bottles against the lush greens how charming! Alex, it's amazing what you're doing to your farm.

    1. Thanks! Other months, other plants flower but this vine is fairly exotic to look at.
