20 July 2012

Vegetable Farming, First Time

I think we're fairly successful in our first attempt to plant vegetables from seeds! If one gauge is if it tastes well, then I think we're on our way to organic farming :) Seriously, my local staff are not as certain with radishes and bokchoi as they are with eggplants and beans.

Their ideal for leafy vegetables are flawless and commercial-looking, and I guess the same goes for radishes. But for crying out loud, I'm more concerned that they don't have carcinogenics! It's perfectly fine that they're not "perfect." Considering that radishes are root crops, ours look quite gorgeous! We did not use synthetic fertilizers (actually, not even organic) and all the more, pesticides. Nevertheless, we are asking around for healthy methods how to do this even better.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive! Will you be selling them or are they for farm consumption only?

    The vegetable gardener in our family is my 8-year old son. We don't have a garden so all his plants are potted (5 at the most) so our "harvests" are not substantial and easily consumed in a day or two. LOL!
