15 September 2012

Saturday Tree Planting

We just finished planting our Toóg seedlings (pronounced to-OG, Petersianthus quadrialatus, Philippine Rosewood) this morning, in the hope that they will grow to be tall and proud specimens of native majesty.

When I first learned about this endemic tree almost a year ago, I happened to discuss it over lunch with my staff. May (left), who comes from Leyte, says these trees grow within their area and she can easily send for some seedlings by bus. So one day, we went to the bus terminal in Manila, anticipating one small seedling but instead, we excitedly received eleven! She laments though, that she doesn't know anyone in their area who gives importance to this tree. In the book Philippine Native Trees 101, it says that wild Toogs have drastically depleted in the last decades because of high demand for its timber.

Today, we planted six of them on the edge of the gap, as a windbreaker and more importantly, to keep the soil firm.  In time, they will also start producing fruits that will hopefully provide food for wildlife.


  1. So what happens to the other 5 seedlings? When i learned about 'ttog' in Agusan, someone said there's a lot in Leyte, but i don't go there anymore. They are so majestically overlooking every other tree on a hill. I wish i can get at least a seedling just as a remembrance towering in our property in Mabini.

  2. Hi Andrea! I'm glad you know about it and appreciate it! We've earmarked the remaining five to plant by the river, we just think we better wait for the rainy season to be over as we're afraid it might get swept off once the river floods this year. But for sure we will send for some more! I will let you know once there is a new batch. Also, I have actually googled a place in Metro Manila that sells native tree seedlings, search for "Cainta Plant Nursery," I think.

    Do you think they'll thrive near the coast?
