01 October 2012

A Fellow Blogger Visits

photo by Groovy Dulcet
It sweeps me off my feet that fellow blogger and loyal reader Groovy Dulcet came to the farm yesterday, all the way from New York, despite her short Philippine visit! She has been a friend from a long time ago, but we have not seen each other for more than twenty years. We found each other recently through Facebook and consequently discovered each other's blogs. Yet even though we live on opposite sides of our wide, wide world, we write and muse over pretty much the same things: gardening, slow food, home-made crafts... the whole caboodle!

photo by Groovy Dulcet
It's also only now I personally meet her adorable five-year old son Zach, who is gifted with a natural curiosity especially with tropical stuff that must look novel to a North American like him. From dried palápas to ripe balimbíng (right) which he gamely tasted (and liked!), he wandered around the farm and would excitedly point at another new discovery.

The highlight of the day was the lunch she brought: seafood pasta, a bottle of Shiraz and Fougasse bread (below) she herself baked! It smelled heavenly and is deliciously chewy and crusty at the same time. And because she especially baked it for her visit, she shaped her bread like a tropical leaf, touches me no end. Of course, time is always short whenever we are having a good time, though it gives us sufficient excuse to see each other again :)

photo by Groovy Dulcet

1 comment:

  1. Alex, you have created a most delightful haven of a farm/garden, I am so happy I made good on my promise to myself that when I come to the Phil. I will see your farm for myself and (secondly) visit you. :-) I love reading your blog and the things that you do in your farm. MAN! beauty comes out of your heart and hands. Thank you for showing me and my sisters around, we enjoyed listening to you talk about your plants, flowers and fruit trees (and their scientific names....what passion!!!!) thank you for your warm hospitality.....and all the organic in season bounties you brought out......fresh buko,...sweet bananas, centoris, carambola, guava , peanuts, and the barako coffee after our lunch al fresco in your fern garden under the mango tree (heaven!).....all grown in your farm. What a treat! Thank you, Alex!!!!
