15 December 2012

White Christmastime Blooms

Just like its more popular cousin, the Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), the aptly-named Pascuita (literally, "something small related to Christmas," E. leucocephala) is in full bloom now. We have only recently started propagating this, and our mother plant has just got itself established and acclimatized. True to its name, it has tiny white flowers but are so many that it covers the entire bush. We will start propagating potted specimens and will complement next year's red poinsettias.

Another beautiful white bloom is the native Doňa Aurora (Mussaenda philippica), with creamy white, somehwat velutinous "flowers" (actually bracts), tiny yellow bead-like flowers, and deep green leaves. It's another we are propagating in pots to support the popular poinsettias.

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