23 February 2013

An Assortment of Orchids

A lot of friends have been giving me orchids for the last months and we've slowly been increasing our variety. I'm no expert in it, and in fact, we hardly take care of them; at least not in the way I hear how others fuss no end about their orchids.

The beautifully-hued flowers on the left is a Dove Orchid (Dendrobium), practically a maintenance-free plant that generously flowers every so often.

 The Scorpion Orchid (Arachnis, above left) are hardy orchids whose flowers last long while the stunning purple Vanda (above right) is just the first among the new type that we are collecting.


  1. Orchids always remind me of my parents. Growing them was their hobby together....denrobium...vandas, phalaenopsis, dancing ladies, walkngwaling....You just led me down memory lane. Thanks Alex!

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